Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Artifact Draft Question #5 - Thinking Ahead

I know, two packs in and already three Cursed Satyrs, what luxury!

I felt really good about my position this far into the draft. I have two heroes I'm happy to play and cards to support both. I actually have more black cards I'm happy to play than blue, including Relentless Pursuit which I think is very powerful.

I paused on this pick because I thought it would be best informed by where I wanted my deck to go. That realization was quickly followed by another, which was that I didn't have a good idea where that was.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Artifact Draft Question #4 - Early Heroes

This is a pleasant surprise. Things look fine!

I took Thunderhide Pack and Phantom Assassin first, leaving a Dimensional Portal behind. I'm still having trouble with blue in general so I'm reluctant to play it. I also think that I might have trouble comparing Thunderhide Pack and Dimensional Portal because when Thunderhide Pack wins you the game, you can really tell. I bet a lot of turn-two Dimensional Portals skew the whole course of their games, but it's hard for me to see all that by the time I get to the late game.

The rest of the pack went great. I got a bunch of cards I really like, including the backbreaking The Oath. I think that card (and my early depth of black cards) means that I want to play multiple black heroes. Which cards do I want?

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Artifact Draft Question #3 - Item Build #1 (#octothorp)

Alright well... this doesn't seem very good at all.

So after a pack one where I saw no good heroes I took Treant first in pack two. Early in pack three I was about even between green and black cards and took a Viper third/fourth. The rest of the draft skewed towards black cards and I saw no heroes I wanted to play. In pack five I could have taken Beastmaster fifth/sixth but I had no red cards I wanted to play.

I believe I got the Horn of the Alpha and Apotheosis Blade without giving anything up. I was hoping for a Payday or two but no luck. So for gold generation I have just the two Iron Fog Goldmines. I guess maybe the Debbis will accelerate things since they trade often? So what do I put in my item deck?

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Artifact Draft Question #2 - Direction, Items, Card Values

I don't think this Question is particularly sexy, but I found it interesting. Granted, it doesn't feel like there's much at stake. If I got it wrong, I don't think I missed out or sabotaged my draft. However, I do think it highlights some gaps in my understanding.

I was so happy to have gotten to first-pick Lich, providing some direction and the security of a good hero early. Then this pack came along and not only was I disappointed, I found myself struggling to come up with a pick based on a justification I had any confidence in. I was about to just grab two and move on, but I forced myself to think about what I was having trouble with.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Artifact Draft Question #1 - Heroes and Planning Ahead

I think this is an appropriate first question because it exposes the shallowness of my understanding of the game. I feel like I have something of a grip on the relative powers of cards. I'm less certain but still comfortable when it comes to the changes in card values relative to an established deck. Stepping beyond that into the greater dynamics of a draft I am directionless. When I compare this to the way I think about games that I have some proficiency in, I seem to be missing a lot of mental shortcuts. Hopefully they will come with time and reflection.

"Study and practice, same as anything else."

So heading into Pack 3 where am I? I have a Mazzie I don't particularly want to play, alongside a Burning Oil and an Enough Magic. I'm playing blue for sure. I have a Prellex, a Dimensional Portal, a Friendly Fire, and a Remote Detonation. In black I have a Disciple of Nevermore which I like a lot, and a Sister of the Veil which I don't mind. In green I have a Thunderhide pack which I like a lot, and a Revtel Convoy that I find hard to evaluate but always play.

I'm probably going to play three colours. I want to play Prellex on the Turn. If I play Mazzie I will most likely play it on the Flop. Not playing red means I have to take a basic hero.

I believe I want two of the following four cards.